動画公開日:2023-07-25 04:15:00
In my hunt to cover exceptionally high-yield investments, the majority of what I come across is often too good to be true. It’s not uncommon to come across a stock that yields over 15%, but after looking at its share price performance and dividend history, we can see that both have collapsed as time goes on. But one dividend investment has offered an exceptionally rare combination. Despite having launched a little over two months ago, its share price is already up 16% as of the making of this video. Plus its dividend yield is an eye-popping 49.71%.
The fund we’re gonna look at today is the YieldMax NVDA Option Income Strategy ETF, which has the ticker symbol NVDY. It’s an actively managed fund that seeks to generate monthly income by selling synthetic call options on Nvidia stock. NVDY pursues a strategy that aims to harvest compelling yields while retaining CAPPED participation in the price gains of NVDA. The fund employs its investment strategy regardless of whether there are periods of adverse market, economic, or other conditions and will not seek to take defensive positions during such periods.
#dividendinvesting #dividends #dividendstocks