WTF Is an ETF?
動画公開日:2016-03-08 06:05:30 There are now over 6,000 ETFs on 60 exchanges and ETFs exist for everything from corporate bonds to gold bars to oil futures. Like the USB port or a gas pump, ETFs have basically standardized the entire un... -
堀江貴文のQ&A vol.334〜国債の仕組み!?〜
動画公開日:2014-08-03 17:51:11 ☆詳細☆ YouTubeホリエモンチャンネルDVDはこちらからご購入出来ます! http://horiemon.com/staff/12700/ メルマガ「堀江貴文のブログでは言えない話」から大人気コーナーQ&Aが動画になりました!vol.334では「国債による... -
How Do REITs Work?
動画公開日:2014-03-27 03:58:06 REITs, or real estate investment trusts, were created by Congress in 1960 to give all individuals the opportunity to benefit from investing in income-producing real estate. REITs allow anyone to own or fin...